BICEPP's 2024 Annual Awards Dinner
November 13th, 2024 6:30 - 9:30pm
Please register by November 8.
Glendale Elks Lodge, Glendale, CA
2024 BICEPP Awards Invitation Final.pdf
Cost: $75 Per Person
Includes admission, a three course dinner (Tri-Tip, Garlic Chicken or Veggie Lasagna) iced tea, & coffee. Networking opportunities and a chance to win unique prizes in our world famous BICEPP raffle.

Sponsorship/Registration Options - Details in Sponsorship Materials Below.
2024 BICEPP Awards Sponsorships.pdf
Event Sponsor - $1000 (2 Available) includes 8 admissions
Award Sponsor - $300 (4 Available) includes 2 admissions
Individual Sponsor - $150 includes (12 Available) includes 1 admission
Donations in the form of gift baskets, swag bags, jackets, gift cards, event tickets, etc. will be graciously accepted.
Event Program Advertising Sponsorship Opportunities
Full Page - $200
Half Page - $120
Business Card - $70
Raffle prizes graciously accepted
BICEPP members, friends and guests are invited to attend our 2024 Annual Awards Dinner at the Glendale Elks Lodge. A excellent facility providing wonderful food, plenty of parking and friendly staff. Please mark your calendars for a memorable night on November 13.
Unique sponsorship opportunities are described below.
Awards Dinner Details
Dinner Choices
Dinner choices: Tri-Tip, Garlic Chicken, and Veggie Lasagna. Each entree includes salad, vegetable, potato, roll, dessert, coffee and tea. Select your choice when registering.
Coffee and tea provided. Soft drinks and alcohol available for purchase.
Awards Presented
In addition to a great meal, connecting with BICEPP members, and networking with other disaster professionals, BICEPP will be presenting the following awards to well deserved individuals and organizations. Please join us for this festive and important evening.
1. President’s Award
This award is presented by the BICEPP President to an individual or group that by their dedication and actions personify the mission of BICEPP.
2. Rising Star Award
The BICEPP Rising Star Award is designed to provide the next generation of Emergency Preparedness Leaders with a unique space to build relationships within their own community, to develop a network with more seasoned preparedness professionals, and to provide them with the tools and visibility necessary to become successful change agents in the field.
- Persons of any age with under two years of experience in the field of emergency preparedness, response, mitigation, communications, recovery or related fields.
- Contributions must demonstrate efforts that go above and beyond the normal scope of their employment.
- Has made a significant achievement / contribution in improving the planning and or preparedness efforts of businesses.
Rising Star Award honorees will receive:
- One year membership in BICEPP
- A trophy recognizing this outstanding achievement
- A profile on the BICEPP website and social media
3. Award of Excellence
Nominees for this award included individuals, groups or organizations whose contributions reflect a dedication to emergency preparedness. They may be employed in emergency management, response, recovery or related fields, or they may be volunteers.
- Employed or volunteers in the field of emergency preparedness, management, mitigation, response or planning.
- Contributions must demonstrate efforts that go above and beyond the normal scope of their employment.
- Has made a significant achievement / contribution in improving the planning and or preparedness efforts of businesses.
- Exemplary service and or support to BICEPP.
- Service or contributions to an emergency preparedness or planning organization.
Award of Excellence honorees will receive:
- A trophy recognizing this outstanding achievement
- A profile on the BICEPP website and social media
4. Recognition Award
The Recognition Award is designed to showcase individuals, groups and organizations with the following qualifications:
- Employed or volunteers in the field of emergency preparedness, management, mitigation, response or planning.
- Contributions that reflect a dedication to the preparedness industry.
- Has made achievements / contributions in improving the planning and or preparedness efforts of businesses.
- Exemplary service and or support to BICEPP.
- Service or contributions to an emergency preparedness or planning organization.
Recognition Award honorees will receive:
- A certificate recognizing this achievement
- A profile on the BICEPP website and social media
Sponsorship Opportunities
Event Sponsor, $1000 (2 Available)
• Reserved table of eight (8) - including 3 course dinner ($600 value)
• Up to a full page advertisement in event program (8.5” x 5.5”) ($200 value)
• Logo or name on event signage
Award Sponsor, $300 (4 Available)
• Two (2) seats - including 3 course dinner ($150 value)
• Up to a half page advertisement in event program (4.25” x 5.5”) ($120 value)
• Logo or name on event signage
Individual Sponsor, $150 (12 Available)
• One (1) Reserved seat - including 3 course dinner ($75 value)
• Up to a business card size advertisement in event program (2” x 3.5”) ($70 value)
• Logo or name on event signage
Event Program Advertising Sponsorships
• Full page advertisement (8.5" x 5.5") - $200
• Half page advertisement (4.25” x 5.5”) - $120
• Business card size advertisement (2" x 3.5") - $70
Door Prize Sponsors
• Donations in the form of gift baskets, swag bags, jackets, gift cards, event tickets, etc. will be graciously accepted.